Hey guys,
What's up? I'm pretty bored its 11:02pm here and my sister is watching some Adam Sandler movie
I had written a blog yesterday but it didn't let me post it so I had to delete it.
Yesterday was honnor day and we got a medal for academic exelence
I was supoused to get a medal for art but they told the teacher she had to do that in a different activity which is totally unfair since sports, math, science and engilsh got to give their medals
So.... I have to write my English essay tomorrow and finish TFIOS again ...
So that's pretty much it
.. I'm geting quite tired so I think I'm gonna go
Sorry for the short post I just wanted to update you guys
Oh! Before I leave I found the stitch pin that I had lost in hot topic so I bought it again
Its this one:

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