Thursday, February 19, 2015

Depressing days

Hey guys...
How are you.. I'm....well...I've been really struggling with math because the teacher doesn't really know how to teach and it's really affecting my grades and I feel like I'm not going to graduate and I have to graduate that's is like a necessity for me.

Also to add to that I found out yesterday that Niall has a rumored girlfriend and I've been really sad because of that because I really really love Niall and its not silly teenager thing it does that sound ridiculous but:

  Every time i think of Niall and all these rumors I think of that  

I was listening to I wish and you know what happened? I started crying ... Oh my god this is so UGH .I'm such a fangirl XD... I m sorry I'm ranting so much...I should leave.  

Anyways, bye,

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