Hey guys,
So it's summer and I finally can write on here. As much as I love writing and just having this space to write whatever I want, I think this is going to be a Summer thing like it was at first because there is no way I can sit down with the stress of school, especially with senior year coming up (yeah. scary, I know) and I will be taking advanced classes + joining any club I can.
So getting that out of the way, I'm so happy to be back and well today I decided to list out my Summer To Be Read:
1. After You: Technically I started this book five months ago when I was staying at a hotel over winter break but then school started and I read it when I had time which was basically never. I did finish it now at the start of summer so I will put it here nonetheless. This is the sequel to Me Before You which I haven't read but I have watched the movie and I know that is an insult to all book lovers out there but the thing was that I had forgotten to take a book to the hotel and I had to choose from a very small selection that they had in the store and that was the one that most stood out for me, and I'm glad I picked it up because it was a very good read.

2. All The Bright Places: I just finished it and I loved it! Such a strong and important message the author is trying to give to the reader, about how mental health is a very important matter that should not be taken lightly. I loved that she actually had to courage to talk about that matter in an honest and complete way that we got to see inside of what was going on in Finch's mind to make him feel how he felt.
Picture from WeHeartIt credit to it's rightful owner
3. Holding Up The Universe: I have this book currently on my desk and after I finish this blog post I'm gonna start reading it. I'm so exited because All The Bright Places was great so I hope this one doesn't disappoint.
Picture from WeHeartIt credit to it's rightful owner
4. The Sun Is Also A Star: I mean, the author is Nicola Yoon aka author of Everything, Everything aka ONE OF MY FAVORITE BOOKS. I really think this book is gonna be goooood. (ALSO MY FRIEND JUST TOLD ME YESTERDAY THAT EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING THE MOVIE HAD COME OUT ???? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS!?!?!)

Picture from WeHeartIt credit to it's rightful owner
5. La VĂspera Del Grito: This is actually a Spanish book (I don't think I have ever mentioned this but Spanish is my main language) and I don't really read books in Spanish but the author of the book actually came to my school and I got to be in a chat with her and other students and she actually gave us all a copy of her book. So I will be planning on reading that.
Picture from Google credit to it's rightful owner
That is all for now, I am really hoping to buy more books soon and if I do I might write another TBR so stay tuned!
Bye Loves!