Hey Guys,
Finally school is out for Christmas break and I can finally have time to do whatever I want and just relax.
I've been thinking about the future of this blog and I'm really not sure how I'm going to work things out...
I haven't really been in the mood for posts on here other than my monthly favorites, so I was thinking of taking a break on this blog and just focus on my lifestyle one since I see a bigger future for that one that this one (at the moment) because I just feel like I just write things on here to have a post up since I've been getting quite a few readers lately. But I noticed that I'm just writing the same stuff over and over again and I find it soooooo boring cause literally nothing has happened in my life lately that I would like to put up here... and that was mainly what I did on here in the first place. So I hope you can all understand that I will by no chance stop blogging... I will just do it in a new type of way with another name.... This blog will still be here and the old post will still be on here and I might do only the monthly favorites but for now this is a little pause which I think is for the better.
Anyways having that moved aside I wanted to tell you guys that I did another collab with my friend Lisalyrics! We did the song I Know What You Did Last Summer by Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello and I really like how it turned out!
Here you have the links:
Her blog- http://lialyricslopez.blogspot.com
Video- https://youtu.be/8Av6yAxFjOQ?list=PL030d0O7saOyuloq-kDJbS1pRsU3R_6RK
Well... that is all I have for today! I hope I can see you all next time at The Fabulist! so please go check it out and subscribe it would mean the world to me! http://thefabulistpanda.blogspot.com/
Talk to you guys next time!
Lory x
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Made in the AM {November Favorites?}
Hey guys,
I've been so MIA lately on everything. My head has been set on school and once I get home the only thing I do is school work and then back to bd. There has been so much going on and as I expected November was a hectic month filled with projects, exams and assignments. I finally got a little time to write a blog post that has been In my draft box since I think the start of November.
I didn't have time to write a Favorites blog on the 1st of December so I thought Ill include the things here since they weren't enough to do a full blog post about them.
First of all my music this last month consisted of sad little mix love songs and the whole Made in the AM album which I'm in love with I think my favorites from Made in the AM are: Olivia, I want to write you a song(which I'm listening to right now) Never Enough......
Also My favorites from Get Weird are: Secret Love Song and pt. 2 of that one as well.
I know what you did last summer- Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello
you guys want to hear the songs I've had on repeat this month you can check out my November Favorites playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/lorypanda/playlist/5JFZkbXdCZ652tXe5UZltD
I saw Mockingjay part 2 the day it came out and it seriously had me in tears if you haven't seen it I totally recommend you check it out!
Those where seriously my only favorites....
I also cant believe its almost 2016 that's mind blowing
anyways I think that is all for today thanks for reading!
I've been so MIA lately on everything. My head has been set on school and once I get home the only thing I do is school work and then back to bd. There has been so much going on and as I expected November was a hectic month filled with projects, exams and assignments. I finally got a little time to write a blog post that has been In my draft box since I think the start of November.
I didn't have time to write a Favorites blog on the 1st of December so I thought Ill include the things here since they weren't enough to do a full blog post about them.
First of all my music this last month consisted of sad little mix love songs and the whole Made in the AM album which I'm in love with I think my favorites from Made in the AM are: Olivia, I want to write you a song(which I'm listening to right now) Never Enough......
Also My favorites from Get Weird are: Secret Love Song and pt. 2 of that one as well.
I know what you did last summer- Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello
you guys want to hear the songs I've had on repeat this month you can check out my November Favorites playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/lorypanda/playlist/5JFZkbXdCZ652tXe5UZltD
I saw Mockingjay part 2 the day it came out and it seriously had me in tears if you haven't seen it I totally recommend you check it out!
Those where seriously my only favorites....
I also cant believe its almost 2016 that's mind blowing
anyways I think that is all for today thanks for reading!
Monday, November 2, 2015
October Favorites
Hey Guys,
NOVEMBER IS HERE! and you know what that means.... ITS CRISTMAS WHOOOO... Just kidding, I wish it was Christmas.... its almost Christmas.
Soon it will Thanksgiving and I will get to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade like every year and I will wrap myself in a blanket like a warm burrito.
Anyways I now bring you guys my October Favorites!
Five Seconds of Summer released a new album which is called Sounds Good Feels Good (I made a whole post about it so go check it out) and I love it! I love all of the songs but my favorites where: Catch Fire, The girl who cried wolf, safety pin, San Francisco and Broken Home
I really hope I can buy it soon
Selena Gomez came out with an album too called revival but only 3 songs really stood out to me and those where
Same Old Love
Hands to Myself
Me and the Rhythm
The Vamps~ Wake up {and also The Tide's Cover of this song}
& Cheater
One Direction~ Perfect
Troye Sivan- From the Wild EP I liked:
Bite &
I'm really craving nachos right now....
App: VSCOcam
I think that is all I have for now.... I don't think I will be writing much this month because it is really packed with school stuff and I have to pay attention to that before anything else so if the next time you guys read a post from me is like three weeks from now then.... you guys know why.
talk to you guys later
NOVEMBER IS HERE! and you know what that means.... ITS CRISTMAS WHOOOO... Just kidding, I wish it was Christmas.... its almost Christmas.
Soon it will Thanksgiving and I will get to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade like every year and I will wrap myself in a blanket like a warm burrito.
Anyways I now bring you guys my October Favorites!
Five Seconds of Summer released a new album which is called Sounds Good Feels Good (I made a whole post about it so go check it out) and I love it! I love all of the songs but my favorites where: Catch Fire, The girl who cried wolf, safety pin, San Francisco and Broken Home
I really hope I can buy it soon
Selena Gomez came out with an album too called revival but only 3 songs really stood out to me and those where
Same Old Love
Hands to Myself
Me and the Rhythm
The Vamps~ Wake up {and also The Tide's Cover of this song}
& Cheater
One Direction~ Perfect
Troye Sivan- From the Wild EP I liked:
Bite &
If you guys want to hear the songs I've had on repeat this month you can check out my October Favorites playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/lorypanda/playlist/6SOXnynRTYCGCSWuDXlAVp
Food: Nachos
I'm really craving nachos right now....
App: VSCOcam
I've downloaded and deleted this app like a billion times already but now that I have and actual instagram theme {that I kinda ruined a couple of days ago but oh well} its really useful because I can see the layout of my pictures
I think that is all I have for now.... I don't think I will be writing much this month because it is really packed with school stuff and I have to pay attention to that before anything else so if the next time you guys read a post from me is like three weeks from now then.... you guys know why.
talk to you guys later
Friday, October 23, 2015
Sounds Good
Hey Guys,

Yeah uh just leave me in this corner ....bye....
I don't even know what Im gonna do when Made in the AM comes out Im not ready for this people!
There is one thing I don't understand of this album
why are there like little parts of random music after some songs? is it just me that thinks its weird?
Or maybe I just don't understand what they are ....
oh and I guess there where two things .... why are Out of Space and Carry On in the same track? Couldn't they do two different tracks for each song?
Eh its 5SOS who knows what goes through their mind?!
Either way I LOVE THIS ALBUM! At first I wasn't quite sure about it but now I'm questioning why Id ever doubt it
Im going to have it on repeat and clearly going in my favorites
I applaud to you 5SOS
The album Sounded Good and Felt Good
Talk to you guys next time
Saturday, October 17, 2015
*snaps fingers* Per-fect
Hey guys,
I'm here listening to old 1D songs and getting feels like I always do
and 1D released their new song called "Perfect" yesterday and it is AMAIZING! I LOVE IT! And FINALLY Louis gets a starting solo!
Can we just take a moment to appreciate this great moment for Louis
Okay moment over
I just wrote a post for my other blog that is going up this Monday and now I'm thinking what my other post should be about. If you guys have any suggestion leave them in the comments
the blog is: thefabulistpanda.blogspot.com if you want to check it out
Im now listening to Selena Gomez's new album "Revival" and its not my favorite album from her but its not that bad, I think my favorite songs where Same Old Love and Me & The Rhythm
so I think Im gonna go...short post but nothing interesting has happened lately
I'm here listening to old 1D songs and getting feels like I always do
and 1D released their new song called "Perfect" yesterday and it is AMAIZING! I LOVE IT! And FINALLY Louis gets a starting solo!
Can we just take a moment to appreciate this great moment for Louis
Okay moment over
I just wrote a post for my other blog that is going up this Monday and now I'm thinking what my other post should be about. If you guys have any suggestion leave them in the comments
the blog is: thefabulistpanda.blogspot.com if you want to check it out
Im now listening to Selena Gomez's new album "Revival" and its not my favorite album from her but its not that bad, I think my favorite songs where Same Old Love and Me & The Rhythm
so I think Im gonna go...short post but nothing interesting has happened lately
Thursday, October 1, 2015
September Favorites
Hey guys,
So as you guys see its time for a September favorites!
okay so you guys have no idea but I'm on a Big Time Rush marathon and I'm listening to all their albums and now I have told my friend who is also listening to them now ITS A CHAIN! now you listen to them! ohh the memories, they remind me of elementary school so maybe that's why I still like them so much.
I need to stop babbling about BTR and start these favorites cause I have a lot to write:
Favorite Songs
So you know that in the last favorites I had told you guys that I was getting a little bit obsessed with Meghan Trainor's music....well the obsession grew and I had her album on repeat all month LITERALLY almost every day. I had it on when I was doing homework, when I was blogging, basically I had it on 24/7
All her songs are so unique and have such a good message that I'm just .... jhqahagshs I WANT THE ALBUM (even her intro for the album is awesome!)
Little Mix~ Hair
Love Me Like You- The video comes out tomorrow AHHH so exited!
Its almost time for Get Weird! and I'm so exiteeeedddd cant wait to hear all their new music!
5sos are also releasing new music and I'm beyond exiteeeeed. I know I know I using the word exited too much BUT I AM!
This month they realized money and I really like it... I don't understand the message but... it has a nice tune XD
that song was precious
I discovered this song and I was exited cause I hadn't heard "new" music from them and when I heard it I was so exited
this was cover girl by Big Time Rush
5th Harmony~ I'm in love with a monster {totally a Halloween song}
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis- Downtown
at first I had a love hate relationship with this song but right now its my jam XD
Macklemore ft Ed Sheeran- Growing Up
This song has me in tears every time I listen to it....I'm very emotional people, okay!?
If you guys want to hear the songs I've had on repeat this month you can check out my September Favorites playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/lorypanda/playlist/2LOkWeLgiXMWNSFndanglw
Favorite App: Instagram
Favorite Show: Dancing With The Stars
ITS BACKKKKK I'm so exited! Its looks like an awesome season and the fact that Hayes Grier and Carlos Pena are in this season makes it sooo much better!
Favorite Youtuber: I haven't watched Youtube AT all this month but I tried catching up on the last days of September and the only ones that I really liked watching was Zoella so yeah her videos were interesting
So I think that's all I have for today thanks for reading! talk to you guys next time!
Lory x
Friday, September 18, 2015
Socially Awkward Person
Hey Guys,
I've noticed lately the increase in views this blog has been getting and I'm so surprised! I never thought people would actually want to read my posts. If you are just coming by here Welcome! you can check out more about be in my "Introducing me" post!.
I think it started when I joined Bloglovin the past week so you are welcome to follow me there :)
Today was actually socially acceptable for me! I never talk to people outside of my friend group and surprisingly I did today! and I'm almost always socially awkward so a pat in the back for me
Alsooooo DID YOU GUYS HEAR THE NEW SONG BY FIVE SOS MONEY?!?! ITS SO GOOOOOOOOD {I have to admit I was pretty scared at start they screamed the first part and my sister saw my reaction so she knows XD}
OH and I wanted to explain the reason why I haven't posted in the fabulist.... I am writing a bunch of them when I have time because those take more time than these ones so I'm going to do a bunch of them and then start with my uploading schedule :)
That is all I have for today, thanks for reading
I've noticed lately the increase in views this blog has been getting and I'm so surprised! I never thought people would actually want to read my posts. If you are just coming by here Welcome! you can check out more about be in my "Introducing me" post!.
I think it started when I joined Bloglovin the past week so you are welcome to follow me there :)
Today was actually socially acceptable for me! I never talk to people outside of my friend group and surprisingly I did today! and I'm almost always socially awkward so a pat in the back for me
Alsooooo DID YOU GUYS HEAR THE NEW SONG BY FIVE SOS MONEY?!?! ITS SO GOOOOOOOOD {I have to admit I was pretty scared at start they screamed the first part and my sister saw my reaction so she knows XD}
OH and I wanted to explain the reason why I haven't posted in the fabulist.... I am writing a bunch of them when I have time because those take more time than these ones so I'm going to do a bunch of them and then start with my uploading schedule :)
That is all I have for today, thanks for reading
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Fangirling...as usual
Hey guys,
So as I mentioned in my previous post I was planning on giving my Blog a little makeover, and I did (as you might have noticed). I'm still figuring out how to work with my new template and layout but as I promised here is the before and after!
Its really cute and girly, I'm still working with it a little bit cause I'm not completely sure with the outcome but that's gonna be the layout for now
I hope you guys like it and comment below if you like it better now or before!
In other news......
Oh my God that movie had me feelings so many feels that I cant even explain. But I was mostly scared because of the cranks now.. WARNING If you have a sensitive stomach and you get frightened easily, be careful because those Cranks are not very easy on the eye. Trust me I felt like I had gone into a horror movie instead of the scorch trials XD
But other than that THE MOVIE WAS AMAIZING!
And can we just talk about Newt aka Thomas B. Sangster for a sec...
That picture is literally my home screen right now
Okay so Im fangirling to much now... DONT JUDGE ME
Anyways.... I totally suggest you guys go and watch the movie cause its AWESOME
"hes feeling 22 ooh ooh 22 OOOH OOH"
sorry I had to....
So as I mentioned in my previous post I was planning on giving my Blog a little makeover, and I did (as you might have noticed). I'm still figuring out how to work with my new template and layout but as I promised here is the before and after!
Its really cute and girly, I'm still working with it a little bit cause I'm not completely sure with the outcome but that's gonna be the layout for now
I hope you guys like it and comment below if you like it better now or before!
In other news......
Oh my God that movie had me feelings so many feels that I cant even explain. But I was mostly scared because of the cranks now.. WARNING If you have a sensitive stomach and you get frightened easily, be careful because those Cranks are not very easy on the eye. Trust me I felt like I had gone into a horror movie instead of the scorch trials XD
But other than that THE MOVIE WAS AMAIZING!
And can we just talk about Newt aka Thomas B. Sangster for a sec...
That picture is literally my home screen right now
he was just *uses leeroy's voice*
Anyways.... I totally suggest you guys go and watch the movie cause its AWESOME
"hes feeling 22 ooh ooh 22 OOOH OOH"
sorry I had to....
so I think that's all
It feels so good to write a blog like this, I haven't done one like this in a while and its good to be back in my comfort zone.
So....yeah, thanks for reading!
Lory :)
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
School is stressful!
Hey Guys,
So School is getting really hectic now and I haven't even had time to sit down and watch a couple of YouTube videos {I'm seriously like four weeks behind and that's a lot of videos to catch up on}
I'm hoping that when things get a little bit more settled I will be able to write more and actually finish/start some blog post I have coming up for my other blog that has been on hold for a couple of weeks because of my busy schedule. I'm also planning on giving this blog a little makeover but that will be when I have more time and I will make sure to post a before and after when I have finished
I really want to write more but teachers are getting pickier and stressful so I have to handle school work and life before anything else since its much important.
I'm thinking of taking a little brake on my two blogs so I can make some posts, update their looks and make them better so I will be updating on that
I think that is all for tonight
So School is getting really hectic now and I haven't even had time to sit down and watch a couple of YouTube videos {I'm seriously like four weeks behind and that's a lot of videos to catch up on}
I'm hoping that when things get a little bit more settled I will be able to write more and actually finish/start some blog post I have coming up for my other blog that has been on hold for a couple of weeks because of my busy schedule. I'm also planning on giving this blog a little makeover but that will be when I have more time and I will make sure to post a before and after when I have finished
I really want to write more but teachers are getting pickier and stressful so I have to handle school work and life before anything else since its much important.
I'm thinking of taking a little brake on my two blogs so I can make some posts, update their looks and make them better so I will be updating on that
I think that is all for tonight
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
August Favorites!
Hey Guys!
Wow its already September! Unbelievable, the year is almost over! where did that go! Oh God I don't want to think about that... it makes me so sad to see all the years fly by! okay I got to stop or I'm going to start crying.
ANYWAYS Its time for August Favorites!
Can we just take a moment to talk about that banner tho... so cute!
Lets start this!
5 Seconds of summer- Fly Away
Jet Black Heart
I'm so exited for this new album cause all of the singles they have dropped are AWESOMESAUCE
Meghan Trainor- Like Im gonna lose you {ft. John Leyend}
Fifth Harmony- Brave Honest Beautiful {ft. Meghan Trainor}
Charlie Puth- Marvin Gaye {ft Meghan Trainor [I've been obsessed with her music lately hehe] } I may or may not be listening to it right now.... I'm OBSESSED!
R. City- Locked Away {ft. Adam Levine}
Fly Away Hero- Hercules [ they are not a known band but their latest songs are so good! especially this one]
App/Website: Spotify {but on the computer!}
Food: Chicken sandwich :P
Youtuber: I haven't watched a lot of YouTube but one of my favorites this month has been Caroline Tucker! She has a really fun personality and nice editing and quality.
Wow its already September! Unbelievable, the year is almost over! where did that go! Oh God I don't want to think about that... it makes me so sad to see all the years fly by! okay I got to stop or I'm going to start crying.
ANYWAYS Its time for August Favorites!
Can we just take a moment to talk about that banner tho... so cute!
Lets start this!
5 Seconds of summer- Fly Away
Jet Black Heart
I'm so exited for this new album cause all of the singles they have dropped are AWESOMESAUCE
Meghan Trainor- Like Im gonna lose you {ft. John Leyend}
Fifth Harmony- Brave Honest Beautiful {ft. Meghan Trainor}
Charlie Puth- Marvin Gaye {ft Meghan Trainor [I've been obsessed with her music lately hehe] } I may or may not be listening to it right now.... I'm OBSESSED!
R. City- Locked Away {ft. Adam Levine}
Fly Away Hero- Hercules [ they are not a known band but their latest songs are so good! especially this one]
If you guys want to hear the songs I've had on repeat this month you can check out my August Favorites playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/lorypanda/playlist/65nlUmI4qLFTN0qGKJSbrp
App/Website: Spotify {but on the computer!}
Food: Chicken sandwich :P
Youtuber: I haven't watched a lot of YouTube but one of my favorites this month has been Caroline Tucker! She has a really fun personality and nice editing and quality.
Show: Teen Choice Awards! even if that was like only one day but 1D won 7 awards.. I think so YEAHHHH
Okayyyy so I think that's it, I'm gonna go so...
Lory <3
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
First days of school
Hey guys!,
So today was the dreaded day, the day where we lost our summer.... (well at least for me) The last day of school. So yes today I met all of my teachers and new classmates. The day in all was boring but the teacher/classmates don't seem that bad.
Also today my YouTube collab with my friend Lisalyrics went up and I'm so happy with the result! Here you have the link!: https://youtu.be/E84jcQy9kn8
So right now I'm watching enchanted for like the billionth time since they are always giving that movie on Disney Channel and that's pretty much the only channel I watch since I don't have nickelodeon anymore :'(
OMG! I almost forgot! I am officially a style setter on polyvore! I'm so proud! *pats myself on the back* Im so proud!
soo... as some of you might have noticed I wrote that a while back and never posted it so I will continue with another day... Today I had my first exam of the year and its the worst to be the first because it was math and I really don't like math and it was on first period but I think I did quite well...
Alsooo I wanna mention that I've been in a mayor writer's block since I came back from vacation so that's why I haven't posted anything. So sorry about that! but I hope I will be in the mood to write really soon!
Omg right now I'm listening to Fools gold by 1D and it reminded me of all the rumors going out that they are going to brake up because they are going on a hiatus next year (hehe hiatus is a funny word XD) I really hope they don't because I've never gotten the chance to see them so I hope I will be able to see them at least once before they announce a brake up because if I don't there will be a lot of crying.... Who am I kidding there will always be a lot of crying with anything 1D related ...
I have to go now so talk to you guys next time!
*cries because hears spaces come on Spotify*
Now I really need to go....
So today was the dreaded day, the day where we lost our summer.... (well at least for me) The last day of school. So yes today I met all of my teachers and new classmates. The day in all was boring but the teacher/classmates don't seem that bad.
Also today my YouTube collab with my friend Lisalyrics went up and I'm so happy with the result! Here you have the link!: https://youtu.be/E84jcQy9kn8
So right now I'm watching enchanted for like the billionth time since they are always giving that movie on Disney Channel and that's pretty much the only channel I watch since I don't have nickelodeon anymore :'(
OMG! I almost forgot! I am officially a style setter on polyvore! I'm so proud! *pats myself on the back* Im so proud!
soo... as some of you might have noticed I wrote that a while back and never posted it so I will continue with another day... Today I had my first exam of the year and its the worst to be the first because it was math and I really don't like math and it was on first period but I think I did quite well...
Alsooo I wanna mention that I've been in a mayor writer's block since I came back from vacation so that's why I haven't posted anything. So sorry about that! but I hope I will be in the mood to write really soon!
Omg right now I'm listening to Fools gold by 1D and it reminded me of all the rumors going out that they are going to brake up because they are going on a hiatus next year (hehe hiatus is a funny word XD) I really hope they don't because I've never gotten the chance to see them so I hope I will be able to see them at least once before they announce a brake up because if I don't there will be a lot of crying.... Who am I kidding there will always be a lot of crying with anything 1D related ...

I have to go now so talk to you guys next time!
*cries because hears spaces come on Spotify*
Now I really need to go....
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
July Favorites
Hey Guys!
You might have read my last blog where I said I was going on vacation and I did so I wasn't able to do a July favorites on the first like I always do so here you guys go!
Songs: Seriously I don't even remember what songs Ive liked this month the only ones I could think of where shes kinda hot from 5sos {which is not one of my favorites from them but its still catchy} and Drag me down by one direction and you guys are not going to believe this but I officially heard that song like a day or two days ago because first of all I was on vacation when they released it so I didn't know until the day I got back and second of all I had deleted spotify so I had to download it again and then my phone said it had no storage and I had to delete a bunch of stuff......and I'm rambling sorry! Either way I heard it and I know it was practically this month but since I always forget at the end of the month so I decided to why not write them now
Oh and I remembered another one Eyes wide open by Sabrina Carpenter and Like I'm gonna loose you by Meghan Trainor ft. John Leyend
Movies: Paper Towns
Food: chocolate donuts and peperoni/bacon pizza
Drink: Pina Colada *plays pina colada song in the background*
Youtuber/Vlogger: Kalyn Nicholson- I love that she seems so down to earth and even tho she has gone through tough times she still keeps a positive attitude
Alex and Mia- #Malexfam lol so Ive been subcribed to Mia for a while now and I knew that she had started a vlog channel with her boyfriend but I never really payed attention to it since I didn't watch vlogs but now Im obsessed with vlogs and I love watching theirs because first of all ken is adorable and second of all they are really fun to watch since they are not super long like some vloggers tend to do.
You might have read my last blog where I said I was going on vacation and I did so I wasn't able to do a July favorites on the first like I always do so here you guys go!
Songs: Seriously I don't even remember what songs Ive liked this month the only ones I could think of where shes kinda hot from 5sos {which is not one of my favorites from them but its still catchy} and Drag me down by one direction and you guys are not going to believe this but I officially heard that song like a day or two days ago because first of all I was on vacation when they released it so I didn't know until the day I got back and second of all I had deleted spotify so I had to download it again and then my phone said it had no storage and I had to delete a bunch of stuff......and I'm rambling sorry! Either way I heard it and I know it was practically this month but since I always forget at the end of the month so I decided to why not write them now
Oh and I remembered another one Eyes wide open by Sabrina Carpenter and Like I'm gonna loose you by Meghan Trainor ft. John Leyend
Movies: Paper Towns
Teen Beach 2
I'm obsessed with all the songs from that movie especially Be our guest, rotten to the core and If only {Which I am in fact doing a collab lyric video on with my friend lisalyriclopez on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2SQOhHNwfZLRnIaKS6XDnA she will be uploading that on her channel before next week so subscribe to her!}Food: chocolate donuts and peperoni/bacon pizza
Drink: Pina Colada *plays pina colada song in the background*
Youtuber/Vlogger: Kalyn Nicholson- I love that she seems so down to earth and even tho she has gone through tough times she still keeps a positive attitude
Alex and Mia- #Malexfam lol so Ive been subcribed to Mia for a while now and I knew that she had started a vlog channel with her boyfriend but I never really payed attention to it since I didn't watch vlogs but now Im obsessed with vlogs and I love watching theirs because first of all ken is adorable and second of all they are really fun to watch since they are not super long like some vloggers tend to do.
So I think that is all I have for today and I hope you all enjoyed reading!
Bye, lory <3
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Sun burns and Style Setting
Hey guys,
So yesterday I went to the beach with my family and even tho I wore sunblock I still got quite a burn and plus I'm sick so that's not a good combination.
I'm still deciding on what computer to buy and I'm hoping I can buy it this week because then I will have to buy it on the week that school starts and well I want to use it I the time I have left of summer.
I wont be posting on here or on The Fabulist soon because I'm going on vacation and its a electronic free vacation aka no internet, no phones... no nothing.... ~(O.O)~
I hope I don't get more sun burnt than I already have because that's gonna be pretty bad and its probably gonna hurt a lot.
Right now I'm just listening to IM5's Disney Dudez for like the hundred time since I have nothing really else to do... I might write a new post for The Fabulist later but I have to make some Polyvore sets first. Ive been working on becoming a Style Setter on Polyvore because I really like that app/website and maybe if I keep up with the work I'm doing so far on my profile more people will see the sets and check out the blog. Currently I have to post 11 sets to become a Style Setter which doesn't seem much but if I make a lot of sets and post them all at the same time or day its gonna look like I'm spamming and that's pretty annoying.
I also want to re read Paper Towns because this is the last week I'm gonna have it since it comes out on Thursday and I'm gonna see it on Friday yayayayay. Ive been waiting sooo long to see that movie so it better be good :P
so I guess that's all I have for today thanks for reading!
So yesterday I went to the beach with my family and even tho I wore sunblock I still got quite a burn and plus I'm sick so that's not a good combination.
I'm still deciding on what computer to buy and I'm hoping I can buy it this week because then I will have to buy it on the week that school starts and well I want to use it I the time I have left of summer.
I wont be posting on here or on The Fabulist soon because I'm going on vacation and its a electronic free vacation aka no internet, no phones... no nothing.... ~(O.O)~
I hope I don't get more sun burnt than I already have because that's gonna be pretty bad and its probably gonna hurt a lot.
Right now I'm just listening to IM5's Disney Dudez for like the hundred time since I have nothing really else to do... I might write a new post for The Fabulist later but I have to make some Polyvore sets first. Ive been working on becoming a Style Setter on Polyvore because I really like that app/website and maybe if I keep up with the work I'm doing so far on my profile more people will see the sets and check out the blog. Currently I have to post 11 sets to become a Style Setter which doesn't seem much but if I make a lot of sets and post them all at the same time or day its gonna look like I'm spamming and that's pretty annoying.
I also want to re read Paper Towns because this is the last week I'm gonna have it since it comes out on Thursday and I'm gonna see it on Friday yayayayay. Ive been waiting sooo long to see that movie so it better be good :P
so I guess that's all I have for today thanks for reading!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Fandom Crazy-ness
Hey guys,
Ok can we just take a moment and talk about all of the things happening in One Direction right now {sorry if you do not like One direction, this blog is probably gonna be mostly about 1D}
This year has been such a stressful year for the 1D fandom. First of all Zayn left and the whole fandom went crazy then he joined Naughty Boy and treated Louis (who has been his friend for so much time) like dirt! And everyone got mad at him because he shouldn't have done that and even worse on twitter!
Now Zayn magically hates Naughty Boy which sounds very fishy to me, He said it on twitter too which is also bad and I don't get why people fight through twitter that's just plain ol' stupid to me! Now everyone suddenly thinks hes joining 1D again and some people even say that this was all planned and that Naughty Boy was payed by Modest! to be the ''bad guy'' and start this whole feud but I personally think that all of those speculations are fake. I don't think he will be joining any time soon.
Then Harry gets this death threat a couple of days ago through twitter [AGAIN!] that there is someone planning to kill him on august 5th in the concert but I don't think that's true because if they were to kill him I don't think they will have announced it on twitter for everyone to see and know.
AND NOW this is what has got me going paranoid... LOUIS TOMLINSON IS GONNA BE A DAD. WHAT. THE. HECK. I'm still waiting for any of them to confirm it because I still cant believe that people are claiming that they are not even a couple but they are having a baby like WHAT! just two friends having a child WOW THIS IS SO NORMAL *note sarcasm*
These guys are going to give every single Directoner heart attacks
Now {this has nothing to do with 1D but} 5sos are driving the fandom crazy because we've been waiting a week or so waiting for the 5sos on the wall countdown to end and it just ended but NOTHING IS HAPPENING! everyone is seriously freaking out in the comments on their Instagram page because they are probably pranking us or something. THESE BANDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!
*deep creepy voice whispers* There is no way out muahaha
Oh well I guess that's what we get
Anyways I have to go eat and wait for these boys to announce whatever they are going to announce {if they are even planning on telling us anything}
bye, lory
okay now for real... Bye
Ok can we just take a moment and talk about all of the things happening in One Direction right now {sorry if you do not like One direction, this blog is probably gonna be mostly about 1D}
This year has been such a stressful year for the 1D fandom. First of all Zayn left and the whole fandom went crazy then he joined Naughty Boy and treated Louis (who has been his friend for so much time) like dirt! And everyone got mad at him because he shouldn't have done that and even worse on twitter!
Now Zayn magically hates Naughty Boy which sounds very fishy to me, He said it on twitter too which is also bad and I don't get why people fight through twitter that's just plain ol' stupid to me! Now everyone suddenly thinks hes joining 1D again and some people even say that this was all planned and that Naughty Boy was payed by Modest! to be the ''bad guy'' and start this whole feud but I personally think that all of those speculations are fake. I don't think he will be joining any time soon.
Then Harry gets this death threat a couple of days ago through twitter [AGAIN!] that there is someone planning to kill him on august 5th in the concert but I don't think that's true because if they were to kill him I don't think they will have announced it on twitter for everyone to see and know.
AND NOW this is what has got me going paranoid... LOUIS TOMLINSON IS GONNA BE A DAD. WHAT. THE. HECK. I'm still waiting for any of them to confirm it because I still cant believe that people are claiming that they are not even a couple but they are having a baby like WHAT! just two friends having a child WOW THIS IS SO NORMAL *note sarcasm*
These guys are going to give every single Directoner heart attacks
Now {this has nothing to do with 1D but} 5sos are driving the fandom crazy because we've been waiting a week or so waiting for the 5sos on the wall countdown to end and it just ended but NOTHING IS HAPPENING! everyone is seriously freaking out in the comments on their Instagram page because they are probably pranking us or something. THESE BANDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!
*deep creepy voice whispers* There is no way out muahaha
Oh well I guess that's what we get
Anyways I have to go eat and wait for these boys to announce whatever they are going to announce {if they are even planning on telling us anything}
bye, lory
okay now for real... Bye
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Hungry Luke's and weird haircuts
Hey guys,
I just did my own hungry5sos character!
oh my....what am I doing with my life :p. I really stink at this game, I played as Luke and got eaten like on the first second.
Guyssss I got a haircut today and its so different for me! Its like not very short but not long and I feel so weird!
I basically just showed the hair dresser that picture and she gave me a similar haircut to that (even tho I don't look as fab as Zoe does :P)
So yeah I have to go cause I'm going to get my school uniform fitted since school is starting next month D: I cant believe I just said that :'( ITS TOO SOON ITS TOO SOON
Even if this has been the most boring summer I have ever had (i think i say that every summer XD) but seriously I haven't done anything this summer :/.
so now I really have to go so I'll see you guys next time!
I just did my own hungry5sos character!
oh my....what am I doing with my life :p. I really stink at this game, I played as Luke and got eaten like on the first second.
Guyssss I got a haircut today and its so different for me! Its like not very short but not long and I feel so weird!
I basically just showed the hair dresser that picture and she gave me a similar haircut to that (even tho I don't look as fab as Zoe does :P)
So yeah I have to go cause I'm going to get my school uniform fitted since school is starting next month D: I cant believe I just said that :'( ITS TOO SOON ITS TOO SOON
Even if this has been the most boring summer I have ever had (i think i say that every summer XD) but seriously I haven't done anything this summer :/.
so now I really have to go so I'll see you guys next time!
Check out my lifestyle blog:
Lory x
Friday, July 3, 2015
June Favorites!
Hey guys,
Its that time again! June Favorites!
First of lets start with my Favorite songs:
F.U.N- Pitbull ft Chris Brown: https://youtu.be/PEC92DcDMcw
No way no- Mag!c {its so catchy! it always gets stuck in my head!}: https://youtu.be/NC4Y6hRA_Ks
Honey I'm good- Andy Grammer: https://youtu.be/w-99JEIwZq0
Can't feel my face- The Weeknd: https://youtu.be/dqt8Z1k0oWQ
I think that's about it I have a feeling that by next month or so I'm gonna be annoyed with at least one of these songs because they repeat them so much on the radio. But at least for now.. I like them.
Favorite Movie: This month I was finally able to watch Big Hero 6 and I loved it! {tbh I cried my eyes out but its alright its alright} I'm not giving any spoilers but if you want to watch it do it because I totally recommend it
And can we just talk about how adorable baymax is!
*dies of cuteness*
Favorite food: Chocolate ice cream bars. They are so good!
Favorite Drink: Coffee. I think Ive had too much coffee this month....its a problem.
WHERE CAN I GET THIS CAT COFFEE I NEED IT. I NEED IT IN MY LIFE! oh God, what is happening to me...
Favorite Fashion Accessory: The south hill locket my aunt got me for my quinceañero it has an adorable panda on it and I love it!
Favorite Youtuber\Vlogger: Aspyn+Parker{she just changed her vlog channel name so yeah that's it} I watch her main channel videos but lately Ive been more into vlogs so yeah I watch those (and vlogbby11's but I had already mentioned her in one of my favorites :P)
Favorite Website: Blogger! Ive been really into blogging lately and Ive been here a lot since now im working on my second channel plus this one.
So... I think that's about it thank you all for reading and don't forget to check out my lifestyle blog:
Hey guys,
*puts on celebrate song*
I am so exited as you can see because I can finally announce that I have been working on A NEW BLOG!!!!! YAY!!!!!! IM SUPER EXITED! I have been thinking of starting this blog since like last year and it's finally here and trust me Ive been working SO FREAKING HARD ON IT! I wanted it to be perfect and well I'm going to be adding some things here and there but at least I have the basics covered and I really like how it turned out!
BEFORE ANY OF YOU ASK! NO. I AM NOT QUITTING THIS BLOG! If you want to read what I'm going to be doing with it please check out the link I will be posting at the end of this post
oh! I forgot to tell you guys the most important thing! THE NAME!
~makes drumroll sound~
I'm super exited to be sharing this blog with you all and Ill make sure it will be fun and entertaining for everyone!
Here is the link for it and I hope all of you like it!
Oh! and this month I didn't upload my monthly favorites on the first like I always do since I wanted this one to be the next one I posted but that will be uploaded either Monday or Sunday
Ive been getting really exited with my blog recently since I've always really liked web design and with this I can finally make my own space and creative environment and be able to clear my mind doing something I love.
Thanks for celebrating my year anniversary and I hope we can celebrate many more years!
Lory 💝
*puts on celebrate song*
I am so exited as you can see because I can finally announce that I have been working on A NEW BLOG!!!!! YAY!!!!!! IM SUPER EXITED! I have been thinking of starting this blog since like last year and it's finally here and trust me Ive been working SO FREAKING HARD ON IT! I wanted it to be perfect and well I'm going to be adding some things here and there but at least I have the basics covered and I really like how it turned out!
BEFORE ANY OF YOU ASK! NO. I AM NOT QUITTING THIS BLOG! If you want to read what I'm going to be doing with it please check out the link I will be posting at the end of this post
oh! I forgot to tell you guys the most important thing! THE NAME!
~makes drumroll sound~
I'm super exited to be sharing this blog with you all and Ill make sure it will be fun and entertaining for everyone!
Here is the link for it and I hope all of you like it!
Oh! and this month I didn't upload my monthly favorites on the first like I always do since I wanted this one to be the next one I posted but that will be uploaded either Monday or Sunday
Ive been getting really exited with my blog recently since I've always really liked web design and with this I can finally make my own space and creative environment and be able to clear my mind doing something I love.
Thanks for celebrating my year anniversary and I hope we can celebrate many more years!
Lory 💝
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Exiting posts and Baymax's goodbye's
Hey guys,
Right now I'm sick :( I have the same thing that my sister got last week and it really stinks :/ I hate being sick.
I haven't written here much because every time I write in the blogger app (the only place where I can actually write my post and upload them) it crashes and deletes all my work so its getting on my nerves and I don't get much time in the afternoon to write in my sister's computer so that's why I'm not posting, but I promise that will change soon.
GUYSSS! lorypandaslife turns 1 on JULY 3RD YAYYYY
There might be a special blog post coming soon *hint hint* so stay tuned to that :D because I am so exited!
So I guess that's the little update I have for you guys today but I really hope you guys read the next post that's gonna be very exiting :D
*baymax speaking*: -BYE!-
bye, lory ~<3
Right now I'm sick :( I have the same thing that my sister got last week and it really stinks :/ I hate being sick.
I haven't written here much because every time I write in the blogger app (the only place where I can actually write my post and upload them) it crashes and deletes all my work so its getting on my nerves and I don't get much time in the afternoon to write in my sister's computer so that's why I'm not posting, but I promise that will change soon.
GUYSSS! lorypandaslife turns 1 on JULY 3RD YAYYYY
There might be a special blog post coming soon *hint hint* so stay tuned to that :D because I am so exited!
So I guess that's the little update I have for you guys today but I really hope you guys read the next post that's gonna be very exiting :D
*baymax speaking*: -BYE!-
bye, lory ~<3
Friday, June 12, 2015
Boring days and fangirling over computers
Hey guys,
So its finally FRIDAYYYYY!!! yay!. My friends and I were planning on going to see Me and Earl and the Dying Girl tonight but yesterday we checked to see at what time we could go see it but sadly it doesn't come out here :( so that's not happening.
Right now I'm using my sister's computer to write this blog and she is sitting right next to me reading every word I type....ye [YES I AM ;p I'm the sister!] WHAT I WAS WRITING, THANKS FOR INTERRUPTING. yeah this is really uncomfortable since no one has ever seen me write a blog post before and she just found out about my blog yesterday even though I had mentioned it to her before.
I want to do something interesting this summer but i don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon since my sister got a job now and i don't drive.... well this stinks D:
Oh! i also wanted to mention that I know my post haven't been very good or frequent but that is because I am using the blogger app and it doesn't let me do many things with my blogs; for example it only lets me put one picture so that doesn't help me in my favorites blogs. Hopefully I will buy a computer soon and maybe then i will be able to write more and do better posts!
I saw this really awesome computer that is adorable!! and I really want it, its the Chromebook HP 14" and its beautiful!
SEE!! ITS SO PERTYY!! And it comes in many colors like green, pink, red,orange, etc....
I'm still looking for options so that might not be the one I buy but I hope it is cause I love it!
aaaaand now I'm fangirling over a computer...nice going lory, nice going.
So yeah i thinks that's it for this post, I hope I can buy a new computer soon, anyways I'll keep you guys updated with that
Lory 🐼
So its finally FRIDAYYYYY!!! yay!. My friends and I were planning on going to see Me and Earl and the Dying Girl tonight but yesterday we checked to see at what time we could go see it but sadly it doesn't come out here :( so that's not happening.
Right now I'm using my sister's computer to write this blog and she is sitting right next to me reading every word I type....ye [YES I AM ;p I'm the sister!] WHAT I WAS WRITING, THANKS FOR INTERRUPTING. yeah this is really uncomfortable since no one has ever seen me write a blog post before and she just found out about my blog yesterday even though I had mentioned it to her before.
I want to do something interesting this summer but i don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon since my sister got a job now and i don't drive.... well this stinks D:
Oh! i also wanted to mention that I know my post haven't been very good or frequent but that is because I am using the blogger app and it doesn't let me do many things with my blogs; for example it only lets me put one picture so that doesn't help me in my favorites blogs. Hopefully I will buy a computer soon and maybe then i will be able to write more and do better posts!
I saw this really awesome computer that is adorable!! and I really want it, its the Chromebook HP 14" and its beautiful!
SEE!! ITS SO PERTYY!! And it comes in many colors like green, pink, red,orange, etc....
I'm still looking for options so that might not be the one I buy but I hope it is cause I love it!
aaaaand now I'm fangirling over a computer...nice going lory, nice going.
So yeah i thinks that's it for this post, I hope I can buy a new computer soon, anyways I'll keep you guys updated with that
Lory 🐼
Thursday, June 4, 2015
★ May Favorites! ★
Hey guys,
So I doubt that I'm going to be able to post this on the first of June since my Quinceañero was two days ago(that is by the time i was writing this since it was the 1st of june) and we are still settling in and also my prom is tomorrow buuuut this is my May favorites blog!
Im sorry I haven't posted a lot this month it's just that I've been really busy with activities like graduation and things like that
So enough talking. Let's get on with this
Favorite book: Paper towns
Yes finally finished reading it and it was pretty good, I give it like a 4 out of 5 stars since it was pretty good but I thought it was gonna be as good as TFIOS and obviously it was not the same since they are two different situations and totally different characters but I don't know... I expected it to be funnier and not so metaphorical (if that's even a word XD) even tho I loved the part of the road trip and and I cant wait to see it in the movie. AHH I want the movie to come out already.
Favorite songs:
Black magic- little mix: https://youtu.be/MkElfR_NPBI
Reflection- Misterwives {I've been looking for the people who sing that song since forever and I finally found it and I'm obsessed XD}: https://youtu.be/fBrOwiHO-5w
Groove- Jack and Jack: https://youtu.be/5g5Oy6Q5Vok
Bright- echosmith: https://youtu.be/kMAzstG5O7E
Falling in love tonight (acoustic version) -The tide {they finally came out with a original song and I love it!!}: https://youtu.be/37urjoxOHVQ
Favorite Nail polish- glittery nail polishes :P
Favorite drinks- smoothies!
Favorite food- brownies (SO GOOD!)
favorite youtuber- Mikey Murphy (especially now that he's in the 2nd season of Royal crush)
Favorite TV show: I don't really watch TV much anymore but I really like K.C Undercover
Favorite app: Pics art
Its a really good app for editing any pictures you have and I love it!!
So yeah I think that's all thanks for reading and see you next time
Bye, Lory ♥
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